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Int 15 Fn 1015  - Topview - "setbit" - Schedule One Or More 2nd-level Int  [Q]

   AX = 1015h
   BX = bit mask for interrupts to post

Return: indicated routines will be called: (DV 2.0x) at next task switch
                      (DV 2.2x) immediately on return from
                            hardware interrupt

See Also: AX=1013h,AX=1014h

Notes: this is one of the few TopView calls which are allowed from a hardware
     interrupt handler
   the handler will be called with ES containing the segment of the handle
     of the next task to be executed; on return, ES must be the segment of
     a task handle

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson